Friday, October 21, 2011

Made it to Guangzhou!

After an extremely long day, we finally made it to our hotel in Guangzhou.  Today we woke early, checked out of our hotel in Hangzhou, visited the orphanage where Juliet stayed, visited the "finding place" where she was found after she was abandoned and then went to the airport for our flight to Guangzhou.  It was a very long and very emotional day.  We're all exhausted.  Juliet did not get a nap today and was very restless on the airplane.  The women sitting around us all tried very hard to entertain her, but it wasn't until the snack was delivered that she decided to calm down.  She finally fell asleep in the van driving from the airport to the hotel, but she only slept for about 20 minutes.  Once we checked into the hotel, it was bath time and then we put her right to bed.  She fell asleep almost immediately.

China 10/21/11

We're very tired as well and we plan to try to get a good night's sleep tonight.  We promise to post the pictures and a better description of our day when we have more time tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you all had a restful night and pray your last week is fabulous!!
